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  • Human urine makes an excellent high nitrogen liquid fertilizer for crop production.
  • Rich in nitrogen and can be used to fertilize crops like maize.
  • Contains other nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium.
  •  These nutrients could be useful as fertilizers.
  •  pure human urine contains very few enteric microorganisms if there is no fecal contamination.
  • Urine has been
    successfully used to fertilize other crops like cucumber, cabbage, wheat and tomatoes in addition to maize. 
  •  The use of urine as a fertilizer is not a new phenomenon. Therefore, human urine can go a long way to assist in the growth, yield and production of maize in both small scale and large scale
  • Maize provides,
    worldwide, over 40 million tones of proteins to humans annually (Anon, 1967 & 1988).
  •  In Africa, maize consumption could compare with that of Guatemala, accounting for about 64% of the total daily calorie intake of the rural dwellers especially during the "hunger period” (Obi, 2006).
  • In southern Nigeria, maize has been the principal cultivated cereal until the introduction and expansion of production of rice and has been used primarily as human food (Obi, 2006).

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study were to:

1. Evaluate the effect of human urine on the growth and yield of three maize varieties.

2. Compare the effects of other sources of nitrogen like poultry manure, NPK (15:15:15), urea and human urine on the growth and yield of three varieties of maize.



  • The experiment was designed to determine the effectiveness of human urine as a viable and beneficial form of plant fertilization in comparison with other means of nutrient supply to crop plants.
  • Experiment was a 5 x 3 factorial, laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD)
  •  Had factor A as five sources of fertilizer (human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK(15:15:15) and control
  • Factor B was three maize varieties: Suwan (v1), ikom white(v2), and obasuper II (v3)
  • This gave a total of 15 treatment combinations replicated three times giving a total of 45 plots of the experiments.
  • Urine treatment was tried on all three varieties of maize.
  • Maize fertilized with human urine was compared with those fertilized with other nitrogenous sources of fertilizer; poultry manure, urea, NPK 15:15:15 respectively.
  • There was a control treatment which served as a yardstick for the entire experimental set up.
  • Application of human urine started 2 weeks after germination and  continued at intervals of 2 weeks until 3 weeks before harvest.
  • Fifteen litres (15L) of  urine was diluted with 10 litres of tap water before it was applied


  • The experiment was carried out at the experimental field opposite the Ebonyi state university post graduate building in Abakaliki which falls within longitude 08°3’E and latitude 06°, 25'N in the derived savannah region of the south east agro ecological zone of Nigeria.
  • The field measured 342m2 a product of 38m length and 9m width.
  • A bed of 2m x 2m was manually raised with a total number of 15 beds per block.
  • This was replicated 3 (three) times giving a total number of 45 beds in all. , 
  • All field operations were done manually and there was no form of irrigation as maize plants were strictly rain fed

Agronomic Practices:


Seeds were planted at a plant spacing of 25cm x 75cm at one plant per stand on a bed of 2m x 2m.

Fertilizer Application

  • Human urine was collected from private homes and stored in air-tight containers for a period of two weeks (2 weeks) before application was done.
  • Before application 15 liters of the collected urine sample was diluted with 10 liters of water.
  • Human urine was applied 2 weeks after germination and application continued until 3 weeks before harvest.

Weed Control

  • Weeding was done manually at intervals of 2 weeks and continued as the need arose

Data Collection

  • The following data were collected at different intervals of the plant growth:

i:   number of leaves

ii:   leaf area index (LAI)

iii:  leaf area (LA) (cm2)

iv:  plant height (cm)

v:   days 50% tasseling

vi:  days to 50% silking

vii: dehusked cob weight

viii: undehusked cob weight

ix:  cob length (cm)

x:   harvest index.

Statistical Analysis

  • Analysis of variance for factorial experiment in a randomized complete block resign CRCBD) as described by Obi (1995) was carried out on collected data.


  • Table 1 shows the main effect of human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15), and a control on the various growth parameters (number of leaves, leaf area, leaf area index plant height) and yield parameters (days to 50% tasseling, days to 50% silking, un-dehusked cob weight, dehusked cob weight, harvest index).
  • The table shows that human urine and other nitrogenous fertilizer sources used, significantly (p=0.05) influenced the growth and yield parameters measured in this experiment.
  • Human urine had a significant effect on height of the maize which recorded 232.22cm while the least height was 220.19cm for poultry manure

  • Table 2 shows the main influence of the fertilizers on the three maize varieties (Suwan, Ikom white, and oba super II) in relation to the growth parameters .
  • The table shows how the above mentioned maize varieties are being influenced as per plant height, cob length, dehusked cob length, undehusked cob length, leaf area, leaf area index, harvest index, days to 50% silking, and days to 50% tasseling by the treatments applied.
  • Ikom white recorded the highest plant height of 231.37cm and the least was suwan which recorded 217.75cm.
  • The three maize varieties were significantly different (p=0.05) at plant height, leaf area, undehusked cob weight and days to 50% tasseling.

  • Table 3 shows the interaction of human urine, other nitrogenous fertilizer sources and three maize varieties significantly (P=0.05) influencing the plant height (cm) of maize.
  • The plant height was highly improved at the interaction of fertilizer sources and three maize varieties.
  • An interaction of human urine and Ikom white produced an outstanding height of 246.57cm which was the tallest among the .three varieties.
  • However Obasuper II appears to be taller than suwan but insignificantly different from one another.
  • The highest mean effect was recorded for human urine as 232.22cm while the  least 220.19cm was recorded for poultry manure.
  • Statistically, plant height had a significant effect at both 5% and 1 %.

  • Table 4 shows results of the interaction of human urine and other nitrogenous fertilizer sources and three maize varieties which significantly (p=0.05) influenced the number of leaves of maize.
  • The number of leaves significantly increased at the interaction of fertilizer sources and three maize varieties.
  • An interaction of NPK (15:15:15) and Ikom white produced a leaf number of 11.3 which was the highest among the three varieties.
  • The highest mean effect was recorded for NPK (15:15:15) as 10.7 while the least 9.5 was recorded for poultry manure.

  • Table 5 shows the interaction of human urine and other nitrogenous fertilizer sources three maize varieties.
  • Cob length of the maize varieties was significantly (p=0.05) influenced by the interaction of the treatments.
  • The cob length showed significant increase at the interaction of human urine and Oba super II producing a cob length of 19.8cm which was the highest among the three varieties. 
  • The highest mean effect 18.5cm) was recorded on both NPK (15:15:15) and human urine while the least l".9cm was recorded for poultry manure

  • Table 6 shows the interaction effect of human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15), and a control on the leaf area and leaf area index of three Varieties of maize; Suwaan, Ikom white, and Oba super II.
  • There was a significant difference (p=0.05) on the effect of human urine and Ikom white on leaf area with the highest and least mean leaf area of 726.988cm2 and 628.454cm2 while the highest and least mean leaf area index recorded 4.151 and 3.608 for human urine and urea.

  • Table 7 shows the results obtained from the interaction effect of human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15), and a control on dehusked and undehusked cob weight of three varieties of maize; Suwaan, Ikom white, and Oba super II.
  • The highest mean value of 402.78kg and 313.89kg were recorded at maize varieties fertilized human urine at both undehusked and dehusked cob weight respectively.
  • Statistically, there was no significant difference (p=0.05) on the effect of the human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15) and control on the dehusked and undehusked cob weight

  • Table 8 shows results from the interaction effect of human urine, poultry manure, urea. NPK (15:15:15), and three maize (Suwan, Ikom white, Oba super II) varieties on days to 50% tasseling.
  • The table showed that maize varieties fertilized with human urine took a shorter period of time to tassel with a mean days to 50% tasseling of 52 than those fertilized with poultry manure, urea, and NPK (15:15:15) which had a mean days to 50% tasseling of 55.
  • The control took the longest period of time to tassel (60days) as there was no form of fertilizer applied.
  • However, there was a significant effect (p=0.05) on days to 50% tasseling as influenced by the application of human urine, poultry manure, NPK (15:15:15), urea and a control.

  • Table 9 shows the interaction effect of human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15) and three maize varieties (Suwaan, Ikom white, Oba super II) on days to 50% silking.
  • The table shows that the control took the longest number of days to 50% silking than those fertilized with human urine, poultry manure, urea, and NPK (15:15:15).
  • The interaction of human urine and Suwan gave rise to the least number of days to 50% silking (58days).
  • However the days to 50% silking between the three maize varieties (Suwan, Ikom white and Oba super II) fertilized with the treatments (human urine, poultry manure, NPK (15:15:15), and urea) was not significantly different.

  • Table 10 shows the interaction effect of human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15) and a control on harvest index of three varieties of maize? (Suwaan, Ikom white, Oba super II).
  • The table shows that the interaction of Suwaan variety and poultry manure recorded the highest harvest index of 0.490 while the interaction between Oba super II and urea gave a least harvest index of 0.404.



  • Transportation of containers with human urine in them to the experimental site.
  • Offensive odour from stored human urine during application.
  • Breakage of maize stem caused by heavy winds and rains which resulted in some plant losses.




  • The results of this experiment clearly showed that all three varieties of maize responded positively to the treatments (human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK' (15:15:15)) applied, except for the control that had no form of fertilizer applied.
  • Maize varieties fertilized with human urine produced almost similar results as those fertilized with other sources of nitrogenous fertilizer.
  • This agrees with the works of Kirchmann and Pitterson (1995), which affirmed that the urea or ammonium-N in urine compares well with that of urea and inorganic fertilizer. This can be seen in the graphical illustration in Figure 1.

  • It was observed that at 4weeks, plants inorganically fertilized grew faster than those fertilized organically.
  • This agrees with the work of Cathrine Mburu (2012), who reported that this could be explained by the fact that the application of artificial fertilizer was done at once which made the plant reach its maximum earlier than the urine treatments.
  • There was a

    significant difference (P=0.05) in the plant height among varieties of maize fertilized with human urine and other sources of nitrogen (poultry manure, urea and NPK (15:15:15)).

  • There was a remarkable increase in height among maize varieties fertilized with different treatments except the control which had the least height.

  • However, it can be deduced that the corresponding increase in plant height with different nitrogenous sources( human urine, poultry manure, urea and NPK (15:15:15) is attributed to the fact that nitrogen promotes plant growth, increases the number and length of the internodes which results in progressive increase in plant-height.

  • Similar results were reported by Sharma (1973), Turkhede and Rajendra (1978), Koul (1997), Saigusa et al. (1999) and Gasim (2001).

  • However, all three
    varieties of maize responded positively to the nitrogenous sources of fertilizer applied, with human urine competing immensely with urea, NPK (15:15:15) and poultry manure. There was no form of treatment applied to the control (T5).

  • The mean difference of plant height showed that at 5% level of jgroberbUity urine treatment had its highest level of significance at (72.73) and least level of .significance at (28.5) while poultry manure, urea and NPK(15:15:15) had 44.33, 33.59 and 31.31 at 5% probability respectively.

  • The number of leaves increased significantly at different nitrogenous sources of fertilizer (human urine, poultry manure, urea and NPK 15:15:15)) applied.

  • The increase in the number of leaves could possibly be ascribed to the work of Jonsson, (1997) who stated that the fertilizer volume of urine applied is comparable to the application of the same amount of plant nutrients in form of chemical fertilizer.

  •  Human urine had the highest leaf area of 837.387cm2
    compared to other treatments (Table 6) while poultry manure had the highest leaf area index of 4.248cm3 which reveals that nitrogen present in organic fertilizer (human urine and poultry manure) enhances growth and consequently influences leaf expansion as well as development, thereby increasing the leaf area and the leaf area index of the maize plant.

  • This agrees with the work of Asiegbu and Uzo (1984), that the use of organic manure -.vhen properly applied generally enhances size, height and number of leaf as well as benefits fruiting in plants 'like maize.

  • However, the mean difference showed a significant difference (p<0.05) at 81.3cm3, 60.16cm3, 50.83cm3 in human urine, poultry manure and urea respectively on leaf area.

  • The number of days to
    50% tasseling and silking was significantly affected by the different nitrogen treatments (human urine, poultry manure, urea, NPK (15:15:15)) applied. 

  • Nitrogen application accelerated the time to reach days to 50% tasseling and silking compared to the control treatment.

  • These results are fully in line with the findings of Richard et al (1983), who reported that nitrogen decreases the interval from seeding to flowering.                                                                                          

  • Maize varieties fertilized with poultry manure had the highest mean harvest index of 0.385 this was followed by NPK (15:15:15), human urine, and urea which had 0.354, 0.342, and 0.318 respectively (Table 10).

  • The application of human urine, poultry manure and other nitrogenous fertilizers helped in the increase of the biological weight and economical yield of the maize plant thereby leading to an increased harvest index.

    Taste Assessment

  • In the taste assessment test, tasters could not differentiate between maize  fertilized with human urine and those fertilized with other sources of fertilizers.  

  • However tasters did not prefer any particular maize samples as all the maize grains were evaluated as being good-tasting.

  • This shows that human urine does not affect the taste of any crop it is being fertilized with.



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